A eulogy for any potential form of authenticity on Instagram.
Inclusivity can feel selective on an app that claims to be for everyone.
Why I Deleted My Instagram App, Then Re-Downloaded It, and Then Deleted It Again
It's a social media culture that we need to change, not just a few features.
New features and designs are great, but have you ever tried putting your phone down and just enjoying your life?
Check out The Sophie Six for Six Perspectives to Consider This Week
So what will it be today? Scuba diving, goat yoga, or a meditation app?
From spin bikes to paint brushes, Gen Z is redefining what it means to go to therapy.
A first timer’s tale with therapy and “asking for a friend,” about where to go from here.
How Tumblr taught me it’s okay to speak openly about mental health.
We are change-makers and world-shakers, and if anyone’s going to make therapy accessible for everyone, it’s going to be us.
Easier doesn't always mean better.
I’ll try to spare you all of the science-y stuff, just remember to go with your gut.
Our Podcast is released every Tuesday!
Satvik is the Founder of Runaway - an App on a Mission to Make the World Happier!
An increase in young adults seeking help has sparked a change in the way therapy is done.
The point is that something is working, and as long as it does, I’ll keep doing it.
For me, social justice is a form of self care.
Shifting the focus from stigma to societal barriers